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Master Raven

As an agent for the UN's intelligence bureau, Master Raven embarked on her latest top-secret mission: Infiltrate the King of Iron Fist Tournament and confront her assigned target. In the frozen area that was to be her battleground, Master Raven stood, arms folded, face to face with her subordinate's sworn enemy, who simply narrowed his eyes and took up a fighting pose.
Command Active frame Block frame Hit level Damage Hit frame Counter hit frame GIF Notes
1 - +1 high - +8 +8 -
1, 2 - -1 high, high - +6 +6 https://giant.gfycat.com/FlawedAdvancedLeafhopper.gif -
(1), 2 - -1 high - +6 +6 -
2 - -1 high - +8 +8 -
2, 3 - -12 high, low - -1 -1 https://giant.gfycat.com/WelloffYearlyGrub.gif -
(2), 3 - -12 low - -1 -1 -
2, 4 - -9 high, high - +10 +10 https://giant.gfycat.com/FavorableAdmirableCopepod.gif -
(2), 4 - -9 high - +10 KND -
3 - -8 high - +3 +3 -
3, 3 - -8 mid, high - +3 +3 -
(3), 3 - -8 high - +3 +3 -
3, 3, 4 - -9 mid, high, high - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/FriendlyDifficultCusimanse.gif -
(3), 3, 4 - -9 high, high - KND KND -
(3), (3), 4 - -9 high - KND KND -
4 - -8 high - +3 KND -
4~3 - -16 mid, mid - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
4~3, 1 - -13 mid, mid, low - +4 +4 https://giant.gfycat.com/OrneryResponsibleIchthyosaurs.gif -
(4)~(3), 1 - -13 low - +4 +4 -
4~3, 3 - -4 mid, mid, high - S! S! https://giant.gfycat.com/AnotherLawfulAfricanbushviper.gif -
(4)~(3), 3 - -4 high - KND KND -
4~3, 4 - -14 mid, mid, mid - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/FarawayAdorableKiskadee.gif -
(4)~(3), 4 - -14 mid - KND KND -
1+2 - -9 mid - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/WeeklyUnimportantLeafcutterant.gif -
Time with enemy attack... 1+2 - ! mid - KND KND -
u+3, 3 - -15 high, mid - KND KND -
(u+3), 3 - -15 mid - KND KND -
u+3, 4 - +8 high, high - KND KND -
(u+3), 4 - +8 high - KND KND -
u+3, d+3 - -15 high, low - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
(u+3), d+3 - -15 low - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
u+3, d+3, 3 - -6 high, low, mid - KND KND -
(u+3), d+3, 3 - -6 high, low, mid - KND KND -
(u+3), (d+3), 3 - -6 mid - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
u+4 - -4 mid - KND KND -
u/f+3 - -4 mid - 0 (OC) LAUNCH https://giant.gfycat.com/BlaringLinedArabianwildcat.gif -
u/f+4 - -5 mid - KND KND -
u/f+4, 4 - -15 mid, mid - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/HighlevelBadAmoeba.gif -
(u/f+4), 4 - -17 mid - KND KND -
u/f+3+4 - -15 mid - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
u/f+3+4, 4 - -14 mid, low - -3 KND -
(u/f+3+4), 4 - -14 low - -3 LAUNCH -
u/f+3+4, 4, 2 - -13 mid, low, mid - KND KND -
(u/f+3+4), (4), 2 - -13 mid - KND KND -
u/f+3+4, f+4 - -14 mid, low - KND KND -
(u/f+3+4), f+4 - -14 low - 0 LAUNCH -
u/f+3+4, f+4, 2 - -13 mid, low, mid - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/BlindDisgustingAntarcticfurseal.gif -
u/f+3+4, f+4, 3 - -6 mid, low, mid - LAUNCH LAUNCH https://giant.gfycat.com/BitesizedShockedGossamerwingedbutterfly.gif -
(u/f+3+4), (f+4), 3 - -6 mid - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
u/f+3+4, 3+4 - -26 mid, mid - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/OpulentScratchyApe.gif -
(u/f+3+4), 3+4 - -26 mid - KND KND -
f+2 - -10 mid - +1 +1 -
f+2, 3 - -10 mid, mid - +2 +2 https://giant.gfycat.com/DisastrousUnripeDiamondbackrattlesnake.gif -
(f+2), 3 - -10 mid - +2 KND -
f+3 - -10 mid - +1 +1 -
f+3, 2 - -14 mid, mid - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/HarmfulEmotionalBullmastiff.gif -
(f+3), 2 - -14 mid - KND KND -
f+4 - -9 high - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/SevereCoordinatedAustraliansilkyterrier.gif -
f, F+2 - -13 mid - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/WarmheartedCompleteIsabellinewheatear.gif -
f, F+3 - -14 mid - LAUNCH LAUNCH https://giant.gfycat.com/UncomfortableIllegalBarasingha.gif -
f, F+4 - -10 mid - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/SerpentineOrderlyGallinule.gif -
f, f, f+3 (or WR 3) - +9 mid - KND KND -
d/f+1 - -1 mid - +7 +7 https://giant.gfycat.com/SarcasticGrizzledBullfrog.gif -
d/f+2, 3 - -3 mid, high - S! S! https://giant.gfycat.com/TintedLimpAntlion.gif -
(d/f+2), 3 - -3 high - KND KND -
d/f+2, 4 - -15 mid, mid - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/UncommonHalfGermanpinscher.gif -
(d/f+2), 4 - -15 mid - KND KND -
d/f+3 - -9 high - +7 LAUNCH https://giant.gfycat.com/DaringBitesizedKrill.gif -
d/f+4 - -15 mid - -1 -1 -
d/f+4, 4 - -15 mid, mid - KND KND -
(d/f+4), 4 - -15 mid - KND KND -
d/f+4, 4, 3 - -6 mid, mid, mid - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/DirectCarelessAmmonite.gif -
(d/f+4), 4, 3 - -6 mid, mid, mid - KND KND -
(d/f+4), (4), 3 - -6 mid - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
d+3 - -12 low - 0 0 https://giant.gfycat.com/ThoughtfulShrillBlobfish.gif -
d+4 - -13 low - -2 -2 https://giant.gfycat.com/FirsthandRecentIndianelephant.gif -
d/b+2, 1 - -1 mid, high - +7 +7 https://giant.gfycat.com/WindyWatchfulHound.gif -
(d/b+2), 1 - -1 high - +7 +7 -
d/b+3 - -12 low - +5 KND https://giant.gfycat.com/EarnestMeagerIvorybackedwoodswallow.gif -
d/b+4 - -14 low - +4 KND https://giant.gfycat.com/VariableSpottedFlyingfish.gif -
b+1 - +5 (OC) high - +5 (OC) KND https://giant.gfycat.com/UnevenLeadingIslandwhistler.gif -
b+2 - -14 high - -3 -3 -
b+2, 2, 3 - -19 high, mid, mid - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/MiserableInfatuatedChinesecrocodilelizard.gif -
(b+2), (2), 3 - -19 - - KND LAUNCH -
b+2, 2, 1+2 - -30 - - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/DigitalSecondhandGrub.gif -
(b+2), (2), 1+2 - -30 - - KND KND -
b+2, 4 - -7 - - +4 +4 -
(b+2), 4 - -7 - - +4 +4 -
b+2, 4, 2 - -9 - - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/UnsightlyAmazingAntarcticgiantpetrel.gif -
(b+2), 4, 2 - -9 - - KND KND -
(b+2), (4), 2 - -9 - - KND KND -
b+3 - +1 - - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/HarshFrayedArrowana.gif -
b+4 - -11 - - 0 0 -
b+4, B+4, 3 - -11 - - 0 0 -
(b+4), (B+4), 3 - -11 - - 0 0 -
b+4, B+4, 3, 4 - -11 - - 0 0 -
(b+4), (B+4), 3, 4 - -11 - - 0 0 -
(b+4), (B+4), (3), 4 - -11 - - 0 STUN -
b+4, B+4, 3, 4, 2 - -13 - - KND KND -
(b+4), (B+4), 3, 4, 2 - -13 - - KND KND -
(b+4), (B+4), (3), 4, 2 - -13 - - KND KND -
(b+4), (B+4), (3), (4), 2 - -13 - - KND KND -
b+4, B+4, 3, f+4 - -11 - - 0 0 -
(b+4), (B+4), 3, f+4 - -11 - - 0 0 -
(b+4), (B+4), (3), f+4 - -11 - - 0 STUN -
b+4, B+4, 3, f+4, 2 - -13 - - KND KND -
(b+4), (B+4), 3, f+4, 2 - -13 - - KND KND -
(b+4), (B+4), (3), f+4, 2 - -13 - - KND KND -
(b+4), (B+4), (3), (f+4), 2 - -6 - - KND KND -
b+4, B+4, 3, f+4, 3 - -6 - - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
(b+4), (B+4), 3, f+4, 3 - -6 - - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
(b+4), (B+4), (3), (f+4), 3 - -6 - - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
b+4, B+4, 3, 3+4 - -25 - - KND KND -
(b+4), (B+4), 3, 3+4 - -25 - KND KND -
(b+4), (B+4), (3), 3+4 - -25 - KND KND -
b+1+2 - -10 - - +1 +1 -
b+1+2, 3 - -28 - - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/MaleQuestionableGrassspider.gif -
(b+1+2), 3 - -28 - - KND KND -
b, B+2 - -10 - - LAUNCH LAUNCH https://giant.gfycat.com/VeneratedEarlyCurlew.gif -
Time with enemy attack... b, B+2 - - mid - KND KND -
u/b+1 - -6 - - +5 +5 -
u/b+1, 2 - -13 - - -2 -2 https://giant.gfycat.com/GivingGrandioseFluke.gif -
(u/b+1), 2 - -13 - - -2 -2 -
u/b+2 - -12 - - +9 +9 -
FC 1 - -11 - - +6 +6 -
FC 2 - -4 - - +7 +7 -
FC 3 - -15 - - -4 -4 -
FC 4 - -15 - - -4 -4 -
FC d/f+3+4 - -23 - - KND LAUNCH -
FC d/f+3+4:4 - -23 - - KND KND -
u/b+1, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1+2 - - - - KND KND -
WR f, f, F (Full Screen) - +13 - - KND KND -
WR f, f, F (Full Screen) (On Grounded Opponent) - - - - KND KND -
WR 4 - -40 - - KND KND -
WR 1+2 - 0 - - KND KND -
WS 1 - -14 mid - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
WS 2 - -8 mid - +8 LAUNCH -
WS 3 - -8 - - KND KND -
WS 4 - -7 mid - +4 +4 -
WS 3+4 - -14 - - KND KND -
Face Up, Feet Towards+3 or (After Rolling Forward) - -12 - - +5 STUN -
Face Up, Feet Towards+4 or (After Rolling Forward) - -12 - - +5 KND -
Face Up, Feet Towards, d+3 (or 4) - -18 - - -3 -3 -
Face Up, Feet Towards+3+4 - -21 - - KND KND -
Face Up, Feet Towards, Roll Forward+1+2 - +2 - - KND KND -
Face Down, Feet Away+3 - -20 - - +1 STUN -
Face Down, Feet Away+4 - -19 - - KND KND -
(Upon Landing) f - -2 - - +3 +3 -
1+2+3+4 - - - - - - -
u+3, D+3 - -29 - - KND KND -
3+4 - - - - - - -
1, 2, 3+4 - -35 - - -28 -28 https://giant.gfycat.com/SpecificEasygoingGreatargus.gif -
qcf+1, 3+4 - -22 - - -9 STUN https://giant.gfycat.com/GlossyRegalIlladopsis.gif -
(During Haze) 1 - -14 - - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
(During Haze) 3 - -9 - - +2 STUN -
(During Haze) 4 (Close) - -9 - - KND KND -
(During Haze) 4 (Far) - -9 - - KND KND -
(During Haze) 1+2 - -13 - - KND KND -
b+3+4 - - - - - - https://giant.gfycat.com/SourBetterHoneyeater.gif -
Back towards wall... b, b, u/b - +6 mid - KND KND -
3, 3, 4, B - -16 - - -5 -5 -
(3), 3, 4, B - -16 - - -5 -5 -
3~4 - -9 mid, mid - STUN STUN https://giant.gfycat.com/FirmNeedyKillifish.gif -
3~4 - -9 mid - STUN STUN https://giant.gfycat.com/FirmNeedyKillifish.gif -
4, 1 - -2 - - +5 LAUNCH https://giant.gfycat.com/DefiantWellmadeBassethound.gif -
(4), 1 - -2 - - +5 +5 -
u+3 - -2 high - +5 +5 -
f+3, B - -6 - - +5 +5 -
d/f+2 - -11 - - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
qcf+2, B - - - - - - -
qcf+4 - -14 - - LAUNCH LAUNCH https://giant.gfycat.com/SharpCourageousAstrangiacoral.gif -
d/b+2 - -14 - - +5 +5 https://giant.gfycat.com/BlueVictoriousFlicker.gif -
b+2, 2 - -3 - - +8 +8 -
(b+2), 2 - -3 - - +8 +8 -
b+4, 4 - -9 - - +6 +6 https://giant.gfycat.com/ThoseUniqueIndianrhinoceros.gif -
(b+4), 4 - -9 - - +6 +6 -
b+4, B+4 - +1 (OC) - - +2 (OC) KND -
(b+4), B+4 - +1 (OC) - - KND KND -
b+1+2, 2 - +1 - - +4 (OC) +4 (OC) https://giant.gfycat.com/HealthyAdorableCondor.gif -
(b+1+2), 2 - +1 - - +4 (OC) KND -
(During Labyrinth) f+1+2, B - - - - - - -
(During Labyrinth) f, f, f (Far) - - - - - - -
(During Labyrinth) 2 - +1 - - +8 +8 -
(During Labyrinth) 2, 1, B - -5 - - +1 +1 -
(During Labyrinth) (2), 1, B - -5 - - +1 +1 -
(During Labyrinth) 3, 4, 4 - -9 - - KND KND -
(During Labyrinth) (3), 4, 4 - -9 - - KND KND -
(During Labyrinth) (3), (4), 4 - -9 - - KND KND -
(During Labyrinth) f+1 - -13 (FT) - - +5 (BT) +5 (BT) -
(During Labyrinth) f+3, B - -11 - - 0 0 -
(During Labyrinth) f+4 - -9 - - +2 +2 -
(During Labyrinth) f+3+4 - -9 - - KND KND -
(During Labyrinth) b+2 - -2 - - +6 +6 -
(During Labyrinth) b+3 - +5 - - KND KND -
(During Labyrinth) f, F+3+4 (Close) - -18 - - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
(LAB) f+1+2 - - - - - - -
(During Labyrinth) b+3+4 - - - - - - -
(During Labyrinth) 1 - -1 - - +5 +5 -
(During Labyrinth) 1, 4 - -9 - - KND KND -
(During Labyrinth) (1), 4 - -9 - - KND KND -
(During Labyrinth) 2, 1 - -1 - - +5 +5 -
(During Labyrinth) (2), 1 - -1 - - +5 +5 -
(During Labyrinth) 2, 2 - -9 - - +2 +2 -
(During Labyrinth) (2), 2 - -9 - - +2 +2 -
(During Labyrinth) 3 - -11 - - 0 0 -
(During Labyrinth) 3, 4 - 0 - - +1 +1 -
(During Labyrinth) (3), 4 - 0 - - +1 +11 (OC) -
(During Labyrinth) 3, 4, 3 - -6 - - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
(During Labyrinth) (3), 4, 3 - -6 - - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
(During Labyrinth) (3), (4), 3 - -6 - - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
(During Labyrinth) 3+4 - -20 - - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
(During Labyrinth) f+2 - -5 - - +6 +6 -
(During Labyrinth) f+2, 3 - -7 - - KND KND -
(During Labyrinth) (f+2), 3 - -7 - - KND KND -
(During Labyrinth) f+2, 4 - -7 - - +4 +4 -
(During Labyrinth) (f+2), 4 - -7 - - +4 +4 -
(During Labyrinth) f+2, 4, 2 - -9 - - KND KND -
(During Labyrinth) (f+2), 4, 2 - -9 - - KND KND -
(During Labyrinth) (f+2), (4), 2 - -9 - - KND KND -
(During Labyrinth) f+3 - -8 - - +3 KND -
(During Labyrinth) f+4, 3 - -11 - - +4 +4 -
(During Labyrinth) (f+4), 3 - -11 - - +4 +4 -
(During Labyrinth) d+3 (Close) - -26 - - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
(During Labyrinth) d+3 (Far) - -26 - - 0 0 -
(During Labyrinth) b+2, 3 - -20 - - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
(During Labyrinth) (b+2), 3 - -20 - - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
(During Labyrinth) b+2, 4 - -9 - - 0 0 -
(During Labyrinth) (b+2), 4 - -9 - - 0 LAUNCH -
(During Labyrinth) f, F+3 - -9 - - KND KND -
(During Labyrinth) f, F+3+4 (Far) - -18 - - LAUNCH LAUNCH -
(During Labyrinth) 2, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1+2 - - - - KND KND -
(During Labyrinth) f, f, f (Close) - - - - - - -
3~4, F - - - - - - https://giant.gfycat.com/EnchantingUnawareBordercollie.gif -
(During Labyrinth) 3, 4, 4, F - - - - - - -
(During Labyrinth) f+3+4, F - - - - - - -
qcf - - - - - - https://giant.gfycat.com/AnnualSkeletalBluetonguelizard.gif -
(During Haze) F - - - - - - -
qcf+1 - -9 - - +4 LAUNCH https://giant.gfycat.com/ZanyFrailAntelopegroundsquirrel.gif -
qcf+2 - -17 - - LAUNCH LAUNCH https://giant.gfycat.com/PiercingSomberCanvasback.gif -
qcf+2~1 or d/f+1+2 - -12 - - KND KND -
qcf+3 - -7 - - +4 +4 https://giant.gfycat.com/PersonalEminentFirefly.gif -
qcf+3:4 - - - - KND KND -
qcf+1+2 - -9 - - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/VapidZealousDogfish.gif -
Time with enemy attack... qcf+1+2 - - mid - - - -
u+3, d+3, U - -40 - - +4 +4 -
u/f+3+4, f+4, U - -58 - - -27 -27 https://giant.gfycat.com/ComfortableMemorableCusimanse.gif -
d/f+4, 4, U - -34 - - +22 +22 https://giant.gfycat.com/UnequaledFaithfulCrab.gif -
b+2, 4, U - -23 - - -12 -12 https://giant.gfycat.com/OptimisticShamefulBlackrhino.gif -
b+4, B+4, 3, f+4, U - -63 - - -52 -52 -
(During Labyrinth) 3, 4, U - -28 - - -27 -27 -
(During Labyrinth) f+2, 4, U - -23 - - -12 -12 -
(During Haze) U - - - - - - -
f+1+2 - -14 - - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/AgitatedTestyAmericanwirehair.gif
(During Labyrinth) 1+2 - -13 - - KND KND -
(During Rage) d/b+3+4 - -22 - - KND KND -
(During Rage) f+3+4 - +5 - - KND KND -
(During Rage) f+3+4:2 - - - - S! S! -
(During Rage) f+3+4:d+2 - - - - KND KND -
u/b, b+3+4 - ! - - KND KND https://giant.gfycat.com/CriminalFaithfulBluebreastedkookaburra.gif -
1+2+3+4, b, f+1+2 - ! - - KND KND -
(During Haze) 2 - ! - - KND KND -
1+3 - -6 - - KND - -
2+4 - -3 - - KND - -
f+1+3 - -6 - - KND - -
f+2+4 - -3 - - KND - -
hcb, f+1+2 - 0 - - KND - -
d/f+1+4 - -2 - - KND - -
d/b+1+2 - -5 (BT) - - KND - https://giant.gfycat.com/CoolSeparateKissingbug.gif -
Approach from left side... 1+3 (or 2+4) - -3 - - KND - -
Approach from right side... 1+3 (or 2+4) - -3 - - KND - -
Approach from behind... 1+3 (or f+1+3) - - - - KND - -
WR f, f, F (Mid Screen) - -5 (BT) - - KND - -
WR f, f, F (Mid Screen) 1 (or 2) - - - - KND - -
WR f, f, F (Mid Screen) 1/2, 1/2 - - - - KND - -
WR f, f, F (Mid Screen) 1/2, 1/2, 1/2 - - - - KND - -
WR f, f, F (Mid Screen) 1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2 - - - - KND - -
d, d/f, n + (x) or d, d/b, n + (x) - - - - - - -
d, d/f, n + (x) or d, d/b, n + (x) - - - - - - -
qcf - - - - - - https://giant.gfycat.com/AnnualSkeletalBluetonguelizard.gif -
u/b, b - - - - - - -
1+2+3+4 - - - - - - -
FC d/f, d, d/f - - - - - - -
(LAB) b+1+3 / b+2+4 - - - - - - -

Drop your comments for master-raven here!